Saturday, April 30, 2011

Stoning Rob Bell?

I find it interesting that we feel like we can be so sure of ourselves in matters where truth is God and we are but his creation. Whether or not Rob Bell is correct in his musings in Love Wins, for me, is not the issue. Our constant desire to pass judgment on others, as if we were God, is. That sounds very "New Age" to me...something we Evangelicals recoil from with a passion. Yet, we are bent toward it. It was true of the Pharisees and religious rulers of Jesus' day (and it is interesting to note who Jesus is confronting nearly every time he mentions judgment) and it is, sadly, true of us today. We feel it necessary to judge others and place them below us on the spiritual ladder. Is not God the only true Judge? Is not our job to share the gospel with grace and mercy to all realizing that, if it were not for the God's totally unmerited mercy toward us, we would be totally lost? Do we really believe that passing judgment on someone will bring them any closer to the knowledge of God's love for them and his desire to redeem them? Instead of spending our time passing judgment on Rob Bell, maybe we should be considering how we might better reflect Christ to a dying world! I have put my stone down. How about you?


Chriss B said...

Well spoken brother...while I am concerned about this writing of Bells, how we as Christians react and carry on about it really depicts the posture of our own hearts before our Holy God. Do I believe Bells writing condemn him to Hell....? It's not really my place to say is it? Do his writings remove his gift of salvation? I doubt it. We arr quick to jump on the holier-than-thou bandwagon...en-masse.....and like you said, isn't that a bigger travesty than one (perhaps) misguided author who in effect will have a lesser impact on the saints than all the saints will have on each other?

Jeff and Deänne said...

Thanks, Chriss. Certainly Rob Bell has accomplished one of his goals for the book...get the Church to engage in the dialogue about how we interact with and engage the world. There are so many big issues out there that need our redemptive focus in Christ. I hope we can put our energies toward those and not toward tearing each other down.