Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Top 10 Ways to Know You Should be a Long-Term Missionary

One of the questions people often ask us is, "How do I know if God wants me to become a missionary?" The real answer is that he will make it clear as you obediently seek him; but, we have compiled a list of other considerations that may help you consider if cross-cultural work is for you!

10)  You are in the last two days of your current ST mission’s trip and you are already planning your next one.

9)    You always have your passport up to date and have chosen to pay for extra visa pages, just in case.

8)    You want to crash the Somali birthday party down the street just to learn their cultural celebration traditions.

7)    You seek out new experiences and new places while awake and asleep.

6)    People tell you that “flexible” should be your middle name.

5)    You get excited about travel opportunities and jump at every opportunity to go to the airport.

4)    The cover of your copy of Operation World is coming off and the pages are dog-eared and well-marked.

3)    You have a goal of learning several phrases in multiple languages and use them whenever you can.

2)    Sometimes you wonder if you were born in the wrong country.

1)    You took the time to read this list.