Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stand on your head

Seeing reality through Jesus' eyes is putting everything on its head. Last will be first. The poor have the riches of faith. Real living is dying. Stuff like that. What we consider shadow and mystical is the real and what we consider real is, in reality, shadow. So it is with cross-cultural work.

I was certain that going to Guatemala was the end of my dreams to grow my musical side. That, however, ended up being 180% from reality. Opportunities to grow and use my music multiplied beyond belief while there! This is what I think is the reality of the "give to get" theology. "Getting" was not my intention at all. Obedience was and it involved some, of what I considered to be, sacrifice or "giving." But what I gave was nothing compared to what I gained. Sound familiar?

So I am spending my thinking time now trying to re-look at things standing on my head. I figure that if I am seeing something in one way it is likely that God is seeing it in the opposite way. A new way to "let go."

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