Monday, February 25, 2013

Bait and Switch Evangelism

As I have observed us Christ-followers in recent months, personally, on Facebook and on Twitter, I have been interested in the amount of exhortation and evangelism that happens out there. This is a good thing, most likely, but a concern has surfaced in my mind. This concern revolves around obedience and… if you read this blog much…you know that is a near and dear topic (though to be honest, not one I am very good at, personally!).

It seems we need to be careful of giving a message that this is all free. While it is true that salvation is a free gift of God, not attained by working at it, so that no one has a reason to boast; discipleship is not free by any measure. I think this is why we read that anyone who can say, “Christ is Lord” is in The Way. The lordship of Jesus is a surrender of everything to his control. True discipleship costs us all that we are…even to the point of death for the Master. That message is anything but “free.”
However, I get it; if we lead with the, “this will cost you everything you have” line, we may not see as many consider joining the family. I just want us to be careful that we use a both/and approach here. Let’s proclaim that salvation is free through the mercy and grace of God; but along with that, let’s also make sure that the cost of discipleship is clear. I am not talking about a list of “dos and don’ts” here. I am talking about taking steps of obedience as God lays them before us, whatever the cost or consequence.
Maybe part of the issue for us is that the cost of discipleship in the US is, or at least seems, minimal in comparison to some cultures where death may be attached to “coming out” as a believer.
May God direct our hearts and words.


Jim @ GMI said...

Jeff, your post reminds me of a story that I heard Christian musician Steve Camp share at a concert in a small church years ago.

Steve was at an event where he found himself in a brief conversation on an elevator with the pop star Prince. When the importance of living for Jesus was mentioned, Prince asked, "What's it gonna cost me?" Camp responded, "Oh, good news, man. It'll cost you everything."

Jeff and Deänne said...

Steve Camp was a guy before his time. His music was great but too painful for most...too honest with us believers!!

jackg said...

I think we sometimes "soft-sell" Christianity when Jesus didn't. Great observations, Jeff!