Monday, October 29, 2012

Do you trust Me?

The thought for this week revolves around how far down the trust road we can walk with God. I realize that this is different for each of us, but I think the pivotal question becomes:

"How far can we trust God's ability to bring about His will, in His time, through His people for His glory?"

I know that almost every one of you is answering, "We trust God completely." That was my first thought. However, as I have reflected on this with vulnerability, I have wondered about my track record of trust in these areas:

Our kids, grand kids and parents
Our finances
Our work situation
Our retirement

Maybe you are getting the same feeling that I did. As long as things are going well it is easy to "leave it to God." When things are not going well, from our viewpoint, we feel the need to take over...step in and give God a helping hand. How many times have we bailed out our kids (not from jail, yet, fortunately); used a credit card for something we "needed" that God was a little slow in providing: took to the rumor mill about issues at work because the HS was not working in someone fast enough; or, reduced our giving to the Kingdom to focus more on our future because, after all, don't we need to be responsible?

I trust that you realize that I am not promoting being irresponsible here. I just wonder how many times our trust of God takes a detour when his timing, or answer, differs from what we have decided is best.

Honestly, my trust record is pretty poor. May God have mercy on me and help me to make the better choice next time!!

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