Sunday, January 15, 2012

Does Tim Tebow offend you?

The reasoning behind being offended is of interest to me. I have heard many people, both Christians and non-Christians, say that Tim Tebow offends them with his openness about his faith. The success of the Broncos this season with Tebow as quarterback has certainly made that openness a nationwide affair...not to mention that "tebowing" has actually become a word and action used both with respect and ridicule.

Living in Colorado has given me a lot of exposure to Tim on the air. I have never once heard him defame someone else or even suggest that others should be like himself. To my knowledge He has never said that God gave the Broncos the victory or blamed God for not coming through for them in a loss. He simply has been thankful for the gifts he believes God has given him and for the opportunity to play a game for a living. Would that we all be so blessed.

So what is so offending? Don't we enjoy the freedom in our country to express ourselves openly as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others? If what Tebow says really rubs you the wrong way then don't listen (if you can swing it). Perhaps his openness feels like judgement. Certainly judging others for doing this or not doing that is the favorite pastime of some people in the church. Something about looking down the log in my eye to point out the speck in your eye comes to mind here. Shouldn't we seek to live our lives with a greater measure of grace?

Living committed to what I believe while granting freedom and grace to those who choose another path seems the Biblical way forward here. Tebow's freedom to express his faith openly should also extend to those who do not share his beliefs. Neither should be offended by the other. Certainly, within the church, loving each other in spite of ourselves is our greatest witness to who Jesus is. Maybe we should focus our combined energies on that and leave the judgement to God. Fortunately, He was not, and is not, offended by us!


tammy said...

LOVE IT!!! "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life..." -- that Guy was pretty offensive to most as I understand it. PREACH IT, Te-Boesel!

Jeff and Deänne said...

What is even more interesting to me is who Jesus was offensive to...the church. The "bad" people weren't offended at all. They flocked to Him. Hard to be like Jesus.