Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jesus' Unanswered Prayer

In this phase of my walk I am trying to focus more on Jesus. Profound, huh?!

One of my confusions as a believer in the Way has been the verses that refer to God answering our prayers for whatever we desire (John 15:7 comes to mind). I know the apologetic...we must be "abiding" in Christ, or "ask in my name" but it seems that even in those situations...though really only God can judge...many unselfish prayers still go unanswered.

Last week the Holy Spirit reminded me that Jesus had an unanswered prayer. For the rest of Jesus life, as far as we know, his Father's answer to his requests had always been "yes" and certainly he was "abiding" and approaching this request in the way that had always been effective before. In the garden however, the night he was arrested, he prayed earnestly that his Father would take "this cup" from him. His Father had to say "no" and we know that Jesus response was, "not my will, but yours be done."

So, does that realization make the times God says "no" easier. Probably not. What Jesus experienced was horrific and some of the paths his people walk mirror that suffering, at least in part. But, we are not alone. Once again we find that Jesus has given us an example. God sometimes says "no." We, with Jesus, along with not relishing what is ahead, must submit ourselves to God's wisdom and will for us and for those we love.

Let me be honest; this fact of our life in the way I don't particularly like. I, so much, want to be in control and for God to be my genie when I need him. But I know that way does not lead to victory. Victory does not lie in our power or might (or wisdom or getting our way) but in and by God's Spirit.

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