Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What are colleges thinking????

Okay. You would think that on our fourth child we would have the college and money for college thing figured out. Okay. So we don't! We thought we had things worked out with Hope International in Fullerton, CA. Kassen can play for's in the area she wants to be in....they have strength in her major....and they were giving her enough money to go there with minimal debt....or so we thought. Yesterday we got the discouraging news that Hope, like many other schools, does not allow you to stack, or add together, their scholarships and that, in fact, they have a cap on how much free aid you can get....close to $15,500. Now that SOUNDS like a lot of money. Well it is, until you realize that it costs more than $28,000 a year to go to Hope. Where are they thinking the rest of the money is going to come from. I know a lot of people and few, if any, of them can afford an extra $13,000 a year for college. We should have saved! Good plan except that we have been missionaries for almost as long as Kassen has been alive and stockpiling funds for college falls below survival on our greatest needs list. It appears colleges expect students and or their families to be okay with accumulating huge debt for this valuable thing. That might be okay if you have just one child. What happens when you have four?

Sorry for ranting. I just don't get it.


Joshua & Tracy said...

Ugh... I agree! So on the cusp of the birth of our 4th child I say, WE'LL SAVE! But then I think... oh yeah, survival. Feed the boys first, so they make it to college ;)

I guess I'm resounding your "ugh."

Jeff and Deänne said...

If I were you, I wouldn't even think about it at this point. Way too many more important things as you say!! Somehow, someway it will happen when the time arrives - many light years in the future for you (though it will feel like tomorrow!!).